Feature Request: Annotation Format "open Standard" / Plugin for Xournal++ Annotation Import

edited November 30, 2024
Zoteros PDF Viewer isnt too mighty which is understandable, and so it is not possible beyond a few text-highlights to make use of the annotation feature like drawing free by hand, drawing using shapes, or even draw beyond the Page Dimensions into some "extended canvas".
Thats why I got to use Xournal++ to add hand written notes with a Stylus, for which there is no substitute in math related content.

While its "nice" that Xournal++ uses .xopp files ontop of the source file, it comes with the drawback that you can not read Zotero Annotations features in X++ and vise versa - both use their own file format and both add a layer ontop of the source file.

Using only Xournal++ would be sufficent, IF the annotations could be reimported into Zotero.
This would be really handy, as Zotero offers the Annotations in the Sidebar.

What I seek:
If there were a Zotero plugin capable of translating X++ .xopp files into Zotero's annotation format, I could seamlessly use the Zotero PDF Viewer "on the fly" while browsing through hundreds of literature documents and immediately see the annotations made with Xournal++.

This would be especially useful in the regular Zotero program under Side Bar -> Attachment Info, where all annotations created in Zotero are summarized. If this summary could also include annotations made in Xournal++, it would significantly accelerate the workflow.


In an ideal scenario, the Zotero PDF Viewer would not only display Xournal++ annotations but also allow for adding or deleting these annotations, which Xournal++ could then read again. This would create a seamless workflow, as the Zotero PDF Viewer operates directly within Zotero's main window and opens files as tabs. This would enable quick reviews and edits without leaving Zotero.

I understand that full integration may be a lot to ask, but even if a Zotero plugin could simply translate .xopp files for importing, I could rely solely on Xournal++ for annotation while still having those annotations visible in the Zotero side bar.

### Alternative Solutions

Due to Zotero and Xournal++ being the industry leaders of its class, maybe it would be a good idea for you both to collaborate and agree on an open standard between you both so any software can use this standard to further enhance compatibility.

---> Zotero claims that it DOES import annotations within PDFs that adhere to the proper PDF Annotation Standard.

Upon testing, I exported a PDF from Xournal++ and imported it into Zotero. However, the annotations I tested (pen strokes and text) were not imported into Zotero.
As part of a cross-test, I created annotations using Gnome Document Viewer, and these were indeed imported into Zotero.

I created a GitHub Request in X++ repo for that: https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/issues/6086

If anyone’s interested in taking this on, please let me know: I’m more than happy to support this effort financially!
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