All ISBNs return the error "An error occured while citing this source"

Even the ones I have tried in the past, is there a problem with the platform?
  • This is in zotbib? Could you still provide a couple of examples?
  • 9782294703041, for example
  • 9782294759505 too, is there something i'm doing wrong?
  • It looks like the first one is an intermittent error that can occur due to an intermittent error from an upstream service. That shouldn't break saving on ZoteroBib (since the actual data, when it works, comes from somewhere else), and we'll fix that. But just retrying a few times should work.

    The second ISBN isn't registered in any mainstream ISBN database (and the only Google result is this forum thread).
  • edited November 29, 2024
    @bassma97: OK, the intermittent error for the first ISBN should be fixed. Thanks for reporting.
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