Make advanced search easier to find (forums)

It took me awhile to find advanced search. Now that I found it, I've bookmarked it. But I'd like to suggest

(a) make it easier to just search the current forum (e.g. a radio button: 'all forums' '____ forum only'

(b) make it easier to find advanced search - maybe by having it on every page

(c) make overall search options more clear -- I didn't see "Search" in the Quick Links at the left of the forum for a LONG time, and when I did, I expected it to be the same as the Search at the top right.

I usually come to when I'm having problems, to find a resolution or to resolve a problem. By default search results include resolved issues from several years ago, as well as current problems, which makes it hard for me to sift through, and discourages me from engaging with Zotero.

  • I expected it to be the same as the Search at the top right.
    Me too. I did not know there was an advanced search until reading your post. Thanks :)
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