Issue with DOI Lookup: Incorrect Publication Date Recorded


When using DOI to import entries into Zotero, the date of online availability is used instead of the official publication date. For example, the article with DOI (10.1093/rof/rfu009) was available online in 2014 but officially published in 2015. Zotero identifies 2014 as the publication date, whereas CrossRef correctly recognizes 2015 ( I would appreciate help in addressing this.
  • edited November 18, 2024
    My Zotero (v7.0.10-beta.2) magic wand imports "2015-03-01" as the publication date. Same via the FF connector.
  • Yes, I get "2015-03-01" as well, via both Add Item by Identifier and saving from the article page.

    @blairqin, how exactly are you importing? Can you provide a Debug ID?
  • I’ve tested it again, and everything works correctly after restarting Zotero. I can also confirm that the "Add by Identifier" function is functioning as expected. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
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