References not translated from pubmed?

When retrieving articles from pubmed, isn't it possible to integrate the references in their original language into zotero?? The name of the journal is in French (for example) in zotero, but the title of the article remains between [ ] in English, as does the abstract. Thanks
  • I have a vague recollection of a discussion about this in the past that this was tricky given how data are stored in Pubmed, but I can take another look if you provide a couple of examples (links or PMIDs)
  • Thanks a lot!
    here are some examples
    PMID: 37247981
    PMID: 33656299

    It seemed to me (before version 7) that we didn't need to: check the language, then use the DOI (when present!) to re-find the article in French, then delete the English reference in zotero (that's a lot of manipulations for my students)...

  • Nothing about pubmed import changed between version 6 and 7.
  • I was thinking there might be a parameter to tick... If you can find a post with a workaround, that would be great, but if it's not possible then I must have got it wrong. Thanks in any case.
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