Syncing problem


I recently up-grated my old version of "Zotero bits" to "Zotero 7, 64 tits " app, precisely in October because the previous one was no more running. Since yesterday, "Zotero" can't sync with data stored in my academic OneDrive account. I can't continue working on my papers and all the information and data added on the paper via "Zotero" are disabled wen I copy the paper on another Word page and it is not possible to download the paper directly online.

The message appearing is that I don't have any authorization to use that "Zotero".

Thanks for the support.

  • I'm not sure what you men here. What data stored in OneDrive? What's the exact "authorization" message you're seeing?

    See Steps to Reproduce for the kind of description we need to help.
  • Hello,

    The automate message is from the OneDrive of my academic institution.

    The message is written in French. If I can translate it is written: you don't have any authorization to access this element. You might not have authorization to access to the internet. Make sure you have appropriate authorization to enable the syncing of the element.


  • I Would like to add that the title of the message is clearly mentioned as "Syncing problems"
  • Don't translate anything. We always just need the exact message you're seeing on screen.

    But Zotero doesn't have anything to do with OneDrive, so if you're receiving some authentication error from OneDrive, that wouldn't be related to Zotero.

    Again, see Steps to Reproduce for the kind of description we need, but this sounds like some sort of confusion.
  • This is the massage

    OneDrive - Université Laval

    Problèmes de Synchronisation


    Vous ne disposez pas des autorisations d'accès à cet élément.

    Il semble que vous ne disposez pas des autorisation d'accès à l'élément. Assurez-vous que vous disposez des autorisations appropriées pour permettre la synchronisation de l'élément.

  • Yeah, that's not a message about Zotero. It has nothing to do with Zotero syncing.

    Zotero-Copie.lnk would be some sort of Windows shortcut that you created.

    If you're saying you can't open Zotero at all, you can reinstall it from the download page and/or ask your IT department for help.
  • OK.

    Thank you for the support.

    Nice day.
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