Entering Citation Goes to End Document

Greetings, First time here.. I'm lost. I'm entering a citation and the citation goes straight to the bottom of a 280 pages word document and starts the bibliography for the citation. I then have to manually scroll up to find where that citation was so that I can continue writing. I'm entering citations after the document has all been written and some as I write.. This used not happen. Not sure what happened. I have restarted my computer and that did not work. I placed the cursor at the end of the reference and press the up arrow but that doe not work either.. I read that it would but it doesn't. Please help.. Thanks.
  • edited November 6, 2024
    What word processor and full version? Can you provide a Report ID from Zotero?
    I placed the cursor at the end of the reference and press the up arrow but that doe not work either.
    I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you say more?
    starts the bibliography for the citation
    Also not sure what you mean by this? Can you include some screenshots?

    Can you reproduce this in a new, empty document?
  • It sounds like you are using an endnote style.
    Make sure that if you use a note style it's set to footnote (Word, Zotero tab, Document preferences).
    Otherwise switch to an in-text style like APA or so.
  • edited November 6, 2024
    Thank you dstillman, and damnation for your input.. I am new to using citation software.. I started using the Vancouver style of citation. Then I switched to AMA. My publisher, after many hours of citations into Zotero, tells me that they prefer the Chicago style. Once I started with the Chicago Style, the problems began. I did as damnation suggested, however, the reference is placed at the end of the page where the citation is if I set it to footnote. I wish to have my bibliography to be at the end of the entire document which as of now is nearly 300 pages. Any advice, suggestions are welcome.. By the way, this is a health, medical type of book... Thanks again..
  • So, since you're new to Zotero/citation softwares, you are probably mixing two very distinct styles that at first sight look very similar: numeric styles and a note style set to endnotes.

    If you want numbers within the text and then the bibliographic information at the end, choose a numeric style. Nature and IEEE are two such styles.

    A note style set to endnotes will also generate numbers in text, but these numbers are generated by Word and not by Zotero itself. It's as if you wrote footnotes, but instead of putting them at the bottom of every page you put them at the very end. But it is still notes, not a bibliography per se. Chicago which you mentioned is a note style.
  • Thank you very much @damnation for the information.. This has been a learning curve and I'm grateful for your and other's input..
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