Zotero not syncing

Hi there,

I work at a university and an employee in our institution who has a very large Zotero library with several sub-collections (approx. 16,000 items) has a synchronization problem.

She has previously worked at other institutions and has gradually increased the size of her Zotero library. She has now noticed that her files are not all accessible on her work laptop, PDF icon is grayed out. On the private Mac laptop where she mostly worked with it, everything is accessible. We have upgraded the account accordingly as we have institutional storage and have tried to restore these files.

Our approach worked for a small part:
Exporting collection by collection on the personal device where everything is fine and then importing it again so it can be synced on the work laptop. This worked for 3 out of 10 collections, now it no longer works.

When synchronizing on the private laptop, an error message appears with the following report ID: 409150310.

I don't know what else we can do or where the error could be. As this is her main work tool and, as I said, she has a huge library, she relies on it.

Thank you for your feedback.
  • edited November 6, 2024
    Exporting collection by collection on the personal device where everything is fine and then importing it again so it can be synced on the work laptop.
    No, don't do that — that will just create a mess of duplicates in the synced library and break links to citations in word processor documents.

    She should 1) upgrade to Zotero 7, 2) delete the Zotero data directory on the new computer, and transfer the library properly from the old computer. If she still has duplicates from the import, she can sort the items list by Date Added and delete all the imported items at once.

    Beyond that, if she's having trouble accessing files, she should see Files Not Syncing and post here with the requested info if necessary. Note that just upgrading storage doesn't immediately make files available elsewhere that aren't available online to begin with — she would have to actually sync the original computer first so that the files get uploaded.
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