Insert Citation: Search doesn't work afuter update to 7.0.9 (64-bit)

After I updated to Zotero 7.0.9 (64-bit) whenever I want to insert an in-text citation via the Word-Plugin, the selection window opens with my libraries and repsective entries, but when I type text into the search field in the upper right-hand corner, the titles disappear from the box. As I type, all entries disappear. Therefore I have to manually search and select the entry I want to cite.
Please fix this asap!
And please finally give us the in-text-citation option for authors without brackets (only brackets around the year of publication). The workaround where I can only add the year via Zotero and have to type the names by hand is a disgrace!
  • edited November 5, 2024
    Can you provide a couple screenshots of what you're trying that show what you're trying to match and what's happening?
  • edited November 8, 2024
    I don't know what happened. It works now even though I haven't updated or did anything else with my system or the library. I had the problem for a few days, however, so it couldn't have been something to be resolved by merely shutting the system down and restarting it.

    What happened was that typing into the search field did not lead to any results of entries I could then cite in the document but only to an empty box without any entries.
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