How to store titles in sentence case?

I write all of my papers in APA style, and I've searched the forum for "sentence case" and I see that most people are re-directed to this post:

My question is: how do I store ALL of my titles in sentence case?? It says in this post "The solution is to store titles in sentence case in your Zotero library and let Zotero automate the conversion to title case if necessary," but I have no idea how to do that besides going to each item individually and right-clicking the title. There must be a better way!

Thank you :)
  • That's what the page is explaining — there's no way to automate this, so you have to convert each title and fix any proper nouns.

    Note that many sources will save in sentence case by default, but it depends entirely on the data provided by the site you're saving from.
  • The forum post is a bit misleading, it makes it sound like you can choose for zotoro to save papers in sentence case as opposed to you can manually go and convert every paper to sentence case.

    A feature to be able to set all zotoro additions be saved in sentence case would be ideal.
  • edited 26 days ago
    @Student14a: The whole point of the linked documentation page, as I also say above, is that no tool can reliably convert titles to sentence case. So in cases where the original metadata isn't in sentence case, you have to convert them and correct any proper nouns.
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