First citation on a page is sometimes correct, sometimes not

I'm using Turabian. The first instance of a footnote on a page should look like this:

Cone, Black Liberation Theology, 12.
Cone, 12.
Cone, 13.

Sometimes it's formatted correctly but sometimes it does this:

Cone, 14.
Cone, 18.
Cone, 26.

What am I doing wrong? Does it have to do with spacing? Like the font/paragraph style?
  • I'm not quite clear on what the question is, but Zotero doesn't recognize where a page starts. If you have immediately subsequent citations to the same work, it just lists the author as described in Turabian. When there are other citations in between subsequent citations, you get the full short form, including short title as in your FN11
  • On some pages, it include the name of the book in the first citation on the page, which is correct. But on some pages, it just lists the author and page number as the first citation on a page, which is not correct. My school wats Chicago/Turabian. Have I chosen the wrong style? Because there is only one Turabian and three Chicago's and I didn't know which Chicago to pick so I picked Turabian. Also, is there a way to update all the citations in a document automatically? Similar to how you can update a table of contents in Word? Maybe that is what I need to do - maybe that is what will fix the citations.
  • Again, Zotero doesn't know whether a citation is the first citation on a page -- that's just not something it can detect, so that rule isn't implemented. I suspect where you are seeing the book name, you have a different work cited in the previous footnote.

    You can click the Refresh button to refresh all citations, but I wouldn't really expect it to fix anything, certainly not the shortened ones.
  • OH! That makes sense now! If it's the first time for that citation after a different author's citation, it only lists name and page number. Thank you!!! And this is a stupid question, but in Word, is the "refresh button" the save button? Thank you so much you answered my question!
  • Zotero updates the formatting of all the citations and the bibliography each time you insert or edit a citation. Refresh tells Zotero to manually do that update. The main time you would use it are to update the bibliography after you delete a citation.
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