Zotero not creating bibliography - only replaces in-text citations wtih full reference information


I've restarted my computer and uninstalled and reinstalled Zotero and the Word plug-in, but I'm still having the following problem:

I can add citations while I write (I use APA 7th format). But, when I highlight the citation and then click "add/edit bibliography" in the plug-in bar at the top of the document, Zotero will just replace my in-text citation with the full reference information, right there in the text. It will not add a bibliography to the end of the document, and my in-text citation disappears.

If I right-click on the in-text citation, there is no option to add bibliography - it does not appear in the list of possible actions.

If I select the entire document and click "add/edit bibliography", nothing happens.

Any ideas?
  • Add/edit bibliography will add the bibliography for all cited items in a current document at the current cursor location. Put your cursor at the end of the document, then click the button.
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