An unknown error occurred. Please check your file sync settings or contact your WebDAV server admini
I was trying to install zotero 7 in another PC. My laptop has zotero 6. This is the error I am getting.
An unknown error occurred. Please check your file sync settings or contact your WebDAV server administrator. HTTP 423
Can anyone tell me why it is happening? I am using koofr webdav
An unknown error occurred. Please check your file sync settings or contact your WebDAV server administrator. HTTP 423
Can anyone tell me why it is happening? I am using koofr webdav
Edit 1: Interestingly, the error reappears now on Mac but sync still works.
Edit 2: I note removing my last added folder collection (containing a particular author’s +100 articles and pdf files) immediately fixes all problems. Adding this collection was the last thing I did before starting to get those 423 errors. Not sure still why this happens if it’s related to total size or naming structure of included file.