Formatting of bibliography breaks when it starts with a doctoral dissertation
Hi Zotero Forum,
I have experienced some issues with my bibliography (Report ID 127562893).
Here is a minimally reproducible example.
0. open Zotero (7.0.5 (64-bit)), open Word (Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20550) 64-bit )
1. add/edit citation - journal article by Baddely (2000) # Word citation style set to APA (7th)
2. add/edit biography # all looks fine
3. add/edit citation - doctoral thesis by Hemler (2020) # bibliography updates, all looks fine (see photo)
4. add/edit citation - doctoral thesis by Abaci (2014) # bibliography updates, nothing is written in italics anymore (see photo)
5. establish that the Abaci (2014) reference is not compromised - change last name of Abaci to Test
6. refresh Word plugin # bibliography updates, everything looks normal again (see photo)
Any thoughts here would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
I have experienced some issues with my bibliography (Report ID 127562893).
Here is a minimally reproducible example.
0. open Zotero (7.0.5 (64-bit)), open Word (Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20550) 64-bit )
1. add/edit citation - journal article by Baddely (2000) # Word citation style set to APA (7th)
2. add/edit biography # all looks fine
3. add/edit citation - doctoral thesis by Hemler (2020) # bibliography updates, all looks fine (see photo)
4. add/edit citation - doctoral thesis by Abaci (2014) # bibliography updates, nothing is written in italics anymore (see photo)
5. establish that the Abaci (2014) reference is not compromised - change last name of Abaci to Test
6. refresh Word plugin # bibliography updates, everything looks normal again (see photo)
Any thoughts here would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Can I please check my understanding of the issue with you?
The formatting error occurs because Abaci (2014) contains a fairly large amount of italicized text which then causes the known issue with Word explained in the knowledge base. If I reduce the length of the dissertation title from "Direct and indirect effects of feedback, feedback orientation, and goal orientations on students' academic performance in online learning" to "Direct and indirect effects of feedback", everything works as expected. However, I will have to manually change this reference after finalizing the document and converting Zotero citations to plain text.
Is this correct?
Thanks again!
If I understand it correctly, your suggested fix would involve unlinking the citations before being able to to delete it. Is that correct?
If I instead duplicate the problematic reference, shorten its title, and insert that, I can manually edit the reference in the bibliography without having to unlink the citations. That way, all other references can still be updated to reflect changes in the bibliography.
Yes, it's possible to remove the dummy entry in the bibliography manually without removing the function of the workaround. It's still possible to refresh the Zotero plugin and add other citations.
The only caveat here is that once the in-text reference of the dummy reference is removed, the Zotero plug in can not be refreshed anymore without losing the function of the workaround.
Thanks again, this was very helpful!