Is it possible to organize handwritten notes with Zotero on iOS?

I use Zotero on my PC to organize papers using collections. Additionally, I write hand written notes on a reMarkable and sort them into folders. Folders on a reMarkable work just like regular folders on a PC, any document can only be in one folder at a time.

Assuming I bought an iPad, would it be possible to write handwritten notes in the Zotero iOS app and organize them just like papers (regular Zotero items)? Note that I am not thinking about annotating papers, I want to create and write fully handwritten note files. Typically, these files keep evolving over time, so they would have to be editable in Zotero, it would not be enough to export a handwritten notebook as a PDF and track that with Zotero.

I found that you can create "document" items from scratch, as well as "standalone" and "item notes". Would (a combination of) these things be of any help?
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