Back - Forward - History controls on Zotero menu bar

For me, the cognitive cost of using a large Zotero database would be substantially lowered by providing Back (previous item), Forward (next item), and History (last 10 items displayed) controls on the Zotero menu bar. When I am taking notes, for example, I often cycle back and forth between two or three items. To do so, I must manually browse for them or search, both of which are tedious procedures. I believe my suggestion would significantly improve Zotero's usability and accessibility.
  • This is not exactly what you are looking for, but it is something that gets close to this with current functionality.

    I have use a saved search where "date modified" "in the last" "1" day returns all of the items I have recently taken notes on, or edited item information. While this will only have items that you annotate or edit it should cover a fair amount of the use you are discussing.
  • What a lovely hack. Thanks, Tjowens!
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