References Output Without a Page Range

I LOVE Zotero but I've noticed that it will frequently output references with only one single page number (which is often not even correct) rather than a page range.

For example. . .
Teixeira, T. L., Chiurillo, M. A., Lander, N., Rodrigues, C. C., Onofre, T. S., Ferreira, É.
R., Yonamine, C. M., Santos, J. G., Mortara, R. A., da Silva, C. V., & da Silveira, J. F.
(2022). Ablation of the P21 Gene of Trypanosoma cruzi Provides Evidence of P21 as a
Mediator in the Control of Epimastigote and Intracellular Amastigote Replication.
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12, 799668.

See it says 799668, which is the article number. No page numbers are listed even though it should be pages 1-11.
  • Why do you think it should list 1-11 there? I'm pretty sure using the article number is both more informative and correct for online only articles without a paginated issue.
  • Maybe you're right. I was always told to list the page numbers so that people know how long the article is.
  • What about for this one:
    Eickhoff, C. S., Dunn, B. A., Sullivan, N. L., & Hoft, D. F. (2013). Comparison of the
    infectivity of Trypanosoma cruzi insect-derived metacyclic trypomastigotes after
    mucosal and cutaneous contaminative challenges. Memórias Do Instituto
    Oswaldo Cruz, 108(4), 508

    This one should be 508-511
  • That's just an import error -- if you get this from pubmed, i.e. using the PMID 23828001 or importing via browser connector from it gets the whole page range.
    When you get the data from PMC directly, the 511 is missing. That's a combination of Zotero appearing to struggle with PMC currently and missing data in the page header at PMC.
  • wow thanks!
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