Search file based on filename and attach link

Hi, I would like to make a script that search a folder and its subfolder to find a file, based on the filename, that is stored in a specific field of the records (in my case, in the Short title field). When it finds the file, the script attach into the record a link to the file.
I've asked AI to make this script and it returned the following, but it does not work. Someone could help me? Thanks, luca

const { FileUtils } = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");

(async () => {
const baseFolderPath = "/media/myFolder"; // Update this to your actual folder path

// Use the items passed to the script
const targetItems = items || (item ? [item] : []);

for (let item of targetItems) {
if (!item.isRegularItem()) continue; // Skip non-regular items
if (item.getAttachments().length > 0) continue; // Skip items that already have attachments

const shortTitle = item.getField('shortTitle'); // Get the short title
if (!shortTitle) continue; // Skip if there's no short title

try {
// Call the recursive search function
const filePath = await findFileRecursive(baseFolderPath, shortTitle);
if (filePath) {
await item.linkAttachmentFile(filePath); // Link the found file to the item
Zotero.debug(`Linked file ${filePath} to record ${}`);
} else {
Zotero.debug(`No matching file found for ${shortTitle}`);
} catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error searching or linking file for ${shortTitle}: ${e}`);

// Recursively searches for a file with the given filename in the specified folder and subfolders
async function findFileRecursive(folderPath, filename) {
const folder = new FileUtils.File(folderPath);
const dirEntries = folder.directoryEntries;

while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
const entry = dirEntries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
const result = await findFileRecursive(entry.path, filename);
if (result) return result; // Return the found file path if found in subdirectory
} else if (entry.isFile() && entry.leafName === filename) {
return entry.path; // Return the path of the matching file

return null; // Return null if no matching file is found
  • succeded in writing the script. It's wonderful!

    function findAndLinkPDFs(items) {
    if (!items || !items.length) {
    Zotero.debug("No items provided");

    var basePath = "[PATH]";

    try {
    var directory = Components.classes[";1"]

    if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
    Zotero.debug("Directory not found or not accessible: " + basePath);

    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    var item = items[i];
    if (item.isRegularItem()) {
    var shortTitle = item.getField('shortTitle');
    if (shortTitle && shortTitle.indexOf('.pdf') > -1) {
    searchDirectory(directory, shortTitle.toLowerCase(), item);

    Zotero.debug("Search completed");

    } catch(e) {
    Zotero.debug("Error: " + e);

    function searchDirectory(directory, filename, item) {
    try {
    if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
    return false;

    var entries = directory.directoryEntries;
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
    var file = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
    if (file.exists()) {
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
    searchDirectory(file, filename, item);
    else if (file.leafName.toLowerCase() == filename) {
    createAttachment(file, item);
    return true;
    } catch(e) {
    Zotero.debug("Error searching directory " + directory.path + ": " + e);
    return false;

    function createAttachment(file, item) {
    try {
    var attachment = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
    attachment.parentID =;
    attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE;
    attachment.attachmentPath = file.path;
    attachment.attachmentContentType = 'application/pdf';;
    Zotero.debug("Attached: " + file.leafName);
    } catch(e) {
    Zotero.debug("Error creating attachment: " + e);

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