Search file based on filename and attach link
Hi, I would like to make a script that search a folder and its subfolder to find a file, based on the filename, that is stored in a specific field of the records (in my case, in the Short title field). When it finds the file, the script attach into the record a link to the file.
I've asked AI to make this script and it returned the following, but it does not work. Someone could help me? Thanks, luca
const { FileUtils } = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
(async () => {
const baseFolderPath = "/media/myFolder"; // Update this to your actual folder path
// Use the items passed to the script
const targetItems = items || (item ? [item] : []);
for (let item of targetItems) {
if (!item.isRegularItem()) continue; // Skip non-regular items
if (item.getAttachments().length > 0) continue; // Skip items that already have attachments
const shortTitle = item.getField('shortTitle'); // Get the short title
if (!shortTitle) continue; // Skip if there's no short title
try {
// Call the recursive search function
const filePath = await findFileRecursive(baseFolderPath, shortTitle);
if (filePath) {
await item.linkAttachmentFile(filePath); // Link the found file to the item
Zotero.debug(`Linked file ${filePath} to record ${}`);
} else {
Zotero.debug(`No matching file found for ${shortTitle}`);
} catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error searching or linking file for ${shortTitle}: ${e}`);
// Recursively searches for a file with the given filename in the specified folder and subfolders
async function findFileRecursive(folderPath, filename) {
const folder = new FileUtils.File(folderPath);
const dirEntries = folder.directoryEntries;
while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
const entry = dirEntries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
const result = await findFileRecursive(entry.path, filename);
if (result) return result; // Return the found file path if found in subdirectory
} else if (entry.isFile() && entry.leafName === filename) {
return entry.path; // Return the path of the matching file
return null; // Return null if no matching file is found
I've asked AI to make this script and it returned the following, but it does not work. Someone could help me? Thanks, luca
const { FileUtils } = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
(async () => {
const baseFolderPath = "/media/myFolder"; // Update this to your actual folder path
// Use the items passed to the script
const targetItems = items || (item ? [item] : []);
for (let item of targetItems) {
if (!item.isRegularItem()) continue; // Skip non-regular items
if (item.getAttachments().length > 0) continue; // Skip items that already have attachments
const shortTitle = item.getField('shortTitle'); // Get the short title
if (!shortTitle) continue; // Skip if there's no short title
try {
// Call the recursive search function
const filePath = await findFileRecursive(baseFolderPath, shortTitle);
if (filePath) {
await item.linkAttachmentFile(filePath); // Link the found file to the item
Zotero.debug(`Linked file ${filePath} to record ${}`);
} else {
Zotero.debug(`No matching file found for ${shortTitle}`);
} catch (e) {
Zotero.debug(`Error searching or linking file for ${shortTitle}: ${e}`);
// Recursively searches for a file with the given filename in the specified folder and subfolders
async function findFileRecursive(folderPath, filename) {
const folder = new FileUtils.File(folderPath);
const dirEntries = folder.directoryEntries;
while (dirEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
const entry = dirEntries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
const result = await findFileRecursive(entry.path, filename);
if (result) return result; // Return the found file path if found in subdirectory
} else if (entry.isFile() && entry.leafName === filename) {
return entry.path; // Return the path of the matching file
return null; // Return null if no matching file is found
function findAndLinkPDFs(items) {
if (!items || !items.length) {
Zotero.debug("No items provided");
var basePath = "[PATH]";
try {
var directory = Components.classes[";1"]
if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
Zotero.debug("Directory not found or not accessible: " + basePath);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if (item.isRegularItem()) {
var shortTitle = item.getField('shortTitle');
if (shortTitle && shortTitle.indexOf('.pdf') > -1) {
searchDirectory(directory, shortTitle.toLowerCase(), item);
Zotero.debug("Search completed");
} catch(e) {
Zotero.debug("Error: " + e);
function searchDirectory(directory, filename, item) {
try {
if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
return false;
var entries = directory.directoryEntries;
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
var file = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
searchDirectory(file, filename, item);
else if (file.leafName.toLowerCase() == filename) {
createAttachment(file, item);
return true;
} catch(e) {
Zotero.debug("Error searching directory " + directory.path + ": " + e);
return false;
function createAttachment(file, item) {
try {
var attachment = new Zotero.Item('attachment');
attachment.parentID =;
attachment.attachmentLinkMode = Zotero.Attachments.LINK_MODE_LINKED_FILE;
attachment.attachmentPath = file.path;
attachment.attachmentContentType = 'application/pdf';;
Zotero.debug("Attached: " + file.leafName);
} catch(e) {
Zotero.debug("Error creating attachment: " + e);