Zotero 7: PDF Viewer Usage Improvements


I love the new Zotero, and noticed a few things I would really like in the PDF Viewer:

1. Add shorter shortcuts for context items. Currently, there is Alt + Number, but those feel a bit straining to use continually, and I've accidentally hit Alt + F4 to close Zotero a few times.
- U for underline
- H for highlight
- A for annotation
- T or double-click for text
- S for select area
- D for draw
2. Show these shortcuts in the tooltip (I found out there were Alt+Number shortcuts only after checking online). Since it could clutter the interface, it might be best as an optional View setting for people who don't like using shortcuts or are already familiar with them.
3. Undo and Redo don't currently work for me on version 7.0.8 on Linux, but would be really helpful to have.
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