Zotero folders disappearing

I have had a very weird thing happen with Zotero 6.0.37. As I have done many times before, I added a subfolder to a collection. This time, however, after I created and named the subfolder and both it and the collection it was in disappeared. I quickly turned off automatic syncing and I followed the directions for restoring a deleted folder (assuming that's what happened) from a back up .sqlite file. When I relaunched, the original collection was there. Then I tried adding the subfolder to it again—and again, both subfolder and collection disappeared when I did that.

An IT professional installed the update to Zotero 7. When we opened it up, we saw the original folder in the column amidst the rest of my folders--and as we were talking, we saw it disappear! We had not touched anything. When I searched for it in the app, I could not find any trace of it.

Ideas? Thanks in advance!
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