autolocking annotations on iPad

Aloha all,

While actively working on a document on my iPad, the annotations keep automatically locking (little lockpad icon top right of box) and I am unable to add comments, change the color, or add tags to highlighted regions. I can delete them and continue to make more, but I don't understand why they are automatically locking within seconds of me highlighting anything (from a single word to a string of sentences, the same thing occurs).

I've noticed that this only happens when I'm not connected to the internet? The pdf is downloaded and I have no issue opening/closing the doc, or viewing/making edits to older annotations (they remain unlocked?) but the new annotations lock?

Any help would save me much frustration!
  • Hey @alliej, can you please let us know the version of the Zotero app, as well as if this is your library or a group one, and for the latter case, what is your member role?
  • Same thing for me. I’m on the latest iPad version (1.0.42) according to App Store. It seems to be internet related. Give it 5-10 seconds and click on the highlight station and i can change the highlight colour. Don’t remember this being a thing before. Quite frustrating at times
  • @thelivingphilosophy can you let us know if this happens in your library or a group one, and for the latter case, what is your member role? Furthermore, is it possible that you record the issue in a video and share a link here or send to mentioning this thread?
  • It's in a shared library (ran out of space in my main one so I set up a library for reading on my iPad). I'm the only person in that library and the creator (not sure how to check my role beyond that). I'll see about getting you a recording today and I'll send it on.
  • edited 24 days ago
    @thelivingphilosophy It looks like you're the owner of the group, so you should have the proper rights. If you can send the recording, we'll take a look what happens.
  • Hey @thelivingphilosophy, can you please provide some more information:
    - Does this happen in all your documents in the group library?
    - What about new documents with no annotations yet, or just a small number of annotations?
    - What is the device model, and what is the iOS version?
  • - yes it seems to (though after a recent purge of my group library it seemed to happen less (probably loading quicker?) I could be wrong as it started taking longer again in the same book within a few more highlights)

    - I checked this and while sometimes in new documents it doesn't immediately start happening, there were documents where it did start locking up on the first highlight. So I don't think so.

    - it's a 2018 ipad pro. iPad v. 17.6.1

    I'm going to try updating my iPad and see if that makes a difference in the next couple of days. Thanks for your
  • edited 10 days ago
    Thanks for the additional info @thelivingphilosophy. Can you please also provide the following:
    - Start a debug log by going to settings (gear icon in libraries list) > Debug Output Logging > Start Logging, then go and create some annotations where you witness the locking issue, go back to settings and Stop Logging, and post the debug log id here.
    - Sign out and sign in again, check if the issue happens still, and let us know of the result.
  • Apologies for the delay I’ve done that now. Here’s the log with the issue:

    I logged out and back in again it’s still happening. Here’s the log for that
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