Sort by Date Added not consistent

Hi there,

I recently upgraded to V 7.0.8 and am still getting used to things from V6. One thing I've noticed is that when I sort a library by Date Added, items added at the same timestamp will change order after I edit metadata in one of them. This is a problem for me because I sort this column to ensure I QA/QC the latest entries, and that they stay in order no matter what changes I make so that I can keep my place. Previously, it did not seem to matter what secondary sort was applied, but now maybe it does? I can't figure out how to fix this. Thanks for your help.
  • I'm not aware of relevant changes, but if the previous behavior was indeed to not change sort order if the primary condition is identical and the secondary condition changes, that'd have been a bug, no? Or am I misunderstanding what's happening?

    Couldn't you just sort by a secondary condition that you're highly unlikely to change during QA?
  • Yes, I suppose it must have been a bug if indeed it behaved the way I describe, but a helpful bug for me. I'll use Item Type as secondary sort in conjunction with a colored tag to track QA/QC completion. Thank you.
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