Export BibTeXentry from command line
Is it possible to copy the BibTex entry from command line, starting from the citation key?
I would like to run something like:
bibtex alhawariInsightsCircularEconomy2021
and get
title = {Insights from {{Circular Economy Literature}}: {{A Review}} of {{Extant Definitions}} and {{Unravelling Paths}} to {{Future Research}}},
to stdout (which I can then pipe to the clipboard).
I would use this to manually populate the .bib file of a Quarto document.
I don't like the visual editor due to this bug (https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/15182).
I would like to run something like:
bibtex alhawariInsightsCircularEconomy2021
and get
title = {Insights from {{Circular Economy Literature}}: {{A Review}} of {{Extant Definitions}} and {{Unravelling Paths}} to {{Future Research}}},
to stdout (which I can then pipe to the clipboard).
I would use this to manually populate the .bib file of a Quarto document.
I don't like the visual editor due to this bug (https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/15182).
curl 'http://localhost:23119/better-bibtex/export/item?citationKeys=shelahTwocardinalTheorem1975&translator=bib'