Style Error: Journal of Wildlife Management

This is to report what I believe is an error in the 2022 version of the Zotero citation style file for The Journal of Wildlife Management.
The current style file includes a URL and access date for journal articles. However, in bibliographies from the most recent journal (and I think back to sometime in 2023), bibliography entries only contain a DOI (if available).
The practice of including a URL and access date is still followed for governement documents from web sites.

I hope the links below are useful for confirming the problem and helping to correct it.

Thanks for all the work that is done to make this tool!

Here is the landing page describing that this citation style is used for three journals in the Wildlife Society stable:

Here is a link to the PDF describing the style requirements (see page 29: JOURNALS: GENERAL FORMAT):

Here is a very recent (open access) article:

Pete Schlax
Science and Data Librarian
Bates College
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