Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM) style


I need your help to finalize the bibliography for my marketing thesis. I need to use the "Recherche et Applications en Marketing" (RAM) Journal bibliographic style but I can’t find it in the styles. How to do it, please. Here is the style we use in marketing to describe an idea:
Feddane et al. (2020) ; Beck et Crié (2015) et Feenstra et Glérant-Glikson (2017) / (Dima,
Man et Kot, 2010 ; Garriga et al., 2018) / visant à donner un sens à des données brutes. Recherches qualitatives, 26(2), 1-18.
Blumler, J. G., & Katz, E. (1974). The Uses of Mass Communications: Current Perspectives
on Gratifications Research. Sage Annual Reviews of Communication Research Volume III.
Bollen, K. A., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2017). In defense of causal-formative indicators: A
minority report. Psychological methods, 22(3), 581.
Bolton, R. N., & Drew, J. H. (1991). A longitudinal analysis of the impact of service changes
on customer attitudes. Journal of marketing, 55(1), 1-9.
Bolton, Ruth N., Dhruv Grewal, and Michael Levy. "Six strategies for competing through
service: An agenda for future research." Journal of Retailing 83.1 (2007): 1-4.
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