Duplicate PDFs in Zotero Storage but Only One Entry in Zotero Interface

I’ve encountered an issue with duplicate PDFs in my Zotero storage, which seems to have arisen after some incorrect removal of duplicates. Here’s the situation:

I’m using macOS, and when I search through Finder, I notice that I have duplicate PDFs stored in Zotero's "storage" folder, but only one corresponding entry appears in the Zotero interface.

For example, I have the following files in my Zotero storage folder:

/.../Zotero/storage/PYAN3MUV/Goddard, Barthet, Wiggins - 2018 - Assessing Musical Similarity for Computational Music Creativity.pdf
/.../Zotero/storage/5SGSYWH2/Goddard, Barthet, Wiggins - 2018 - Assessing Musical Similarity for Computational Music Creativity-annotated.pdf
However, when I search for this paper in Zotero, I can only see one entry, with one underlying pdf (PYAN3MUV/Goddard, Barthet, Wiggins - 2018 - Assessing Musical Similarity for Computational Music Creativity.pdf).

This is happening with multiple files across my library. As a result, my Zotero storage is unnecessarily keeping duplicate files that aren't linked to any active Zotero entries.

Could you advise on the best way to identify and remove these unused PDFs from the Zotero storage folder without affecting my library entries? I would also appreciate any suggestions on avoiding this issue in the future.

Thanks in advance!
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