Correction Citing Style - Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

edited 9 days ago
Dear community,

I have noticed a citation style discrepancy concerning Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (CORR) in our database. CORR adheres to a modified AMA Style for formatting references, which includes several specific requirements:

Author Listing: For papers with more than six authors, only the first three should be listed, followed by "et al."
Paper Titles: Titles should be in sentence case; only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, except for proper nouns and acronyms.
Journal Abbreviations: References should use only official PubMed journal abbreviations, italicized, and without punctuation. For example, "Am. J. Sports Med." should be formatted as "Am J Sports Med."
Unfortunately, I'm unable to make these corrections myself. Could someone assist in updating our style to align with these guidelines? It would be greatly appreciated!

For clarity, here are a couple of example references formatted correctly:

Al-Ani Z, Wright A, Ricks M, Watts AC. The three-column concept of elbow joint stability and the Wrightington elbow fracture-dislocation classification, emphasizing the role of cross-sectional imaging. Emerg Radiol. 2022;29:133-145.

de Klerk HH, Oosterhoff JHF, Schoolmeesters B, et al. Recognition of the pattern of complex fractures of the elbow using 3D-printed models. Bone Joint J. 2023;105:56-63.

Thank you for any help you can provide!
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