Ressources for filtering and testing citation styles

There is already a huge amount of citation styles. We don't really need another one.
How can I filter trough the existing styles to find one that fits my projects requirements? The preview window that pops up is not enough to judge a style's functionality. This is not the first time I ran into this problem.

My initial thought was to import a set of literature into Zotero and run it through different citation styles that are often used in my project's field. It would be an unreasonably time consuming thing collect and import a set of publications that is diverse enough in its metadata. I can't imagine no one has ever collected such a list to thoroughly test a citation style. Maybe I just couldn't find it on the internet and someone from this community help me.

We are looking for a Zotero citation style to recommend for our students in linguistics. Some requirements are: broad array of types of publications including different digital sources like Websites with/without authors, social media, etc. and ideally also a Citavi Style. I am aware that I would have to test Citavi compatibility seperatly.

Kind regards!
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