Permanent change of the Bibliography style in WORD

edited 5 days ago
How do I permanently change the Bibliography style used by Zotero in Word? I changed the settings of this style to be based on Style_X instead of Normal, but when I reopen the document Zotero returns in the Normal style settings. Importantly, I want the change to apply only in this document (I have the Only in this document option checked).
Any change in the style of Bibliography is actually ineffective. When you reopen the document, the old formatting of, for example, a paragraph returns.
  • Ok, I found out that Word update the styles on file opening when the option "Automatically update document style" (Options>Addons>Templates) is checked.
    It happens even if the option "Only in this document" is checked as well.
    The solution is simple, uncheck this option to prevent WORD from OR change template which is used in document.

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