Does group library have its separate duplicate files?

I have recently created my first group library, but I have been using Zotero for a long time otherwise, and I sync files via WebDAV.

Now, I have noticed two points of interest that I want to be sure of:
1. I see that the group library syncs and counts toward free 300 MB storage. Is it mandatory to have group libraries on Zotero's native storage?

2. When I copied some of the resources from My Library to the group library, I see the resources are separately duplicated, and if I underline or highlight something on a paper, it is only available in that specific library. What if I want to retain the highlights etc. of a paper within a group library, but dispose of the group library itself? Do I have to manually move the paper from the group library to My Library, and then merge the papers?
  • Is it mandatory to have group libraries on Zotero's native storage?
    What if I want to retain the highlights etc. of a paper within a group library, but dispose of the group library itself? Do I have to manually move the paper from the group library to My Library, and then merge the papers?
    Currently, if you previously copied the item from My Library to begin with, you'll need to delete the original item in My Library before dragging it back from the group library. We'll be making it easier to copy items between libraries and overwrite or merge with existing data, but it's a very complicated problem.
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