Zotero 7 not saving Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, or Journal Abbr fields from AMS Journals

Hi, I use the Zotero Connector plugin for Chrome, connected to my local installation of Zotero. Ever since Zotero was upgraded to v7 some months ago, I've noticed that when I click on the Zotero Connector plugin to save a journal article to my library from AMS Journals (journals.ametsoc.org) or Wiley Journals, Zotero no longer saves the Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, or Journal Abbr fields. That metadata is being saved properly for Elsevier journals, so it's at least not a universal issue, but it's also not an isolated one. It's a hassle to manually input all this info into Zotero. I assume it's some sort of software bug or communications issue with various journal websites. Can this be fixed?

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