Style request: Enfances Familles Générations
Enfances Familles Générations (EFG) is an open access journal:
EFG Style:
Campbell, J. L. et O. K. Pedersen. 2007. « The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success », Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, no 3, p. 307–332.
Mares, I. 2001. « Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? », dans Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, sous la dir. de P. A. Hall et D. Soskice, New York, Oxford University Press, p. 184–213.
All the papers in Enfances Familles Générations are open access. For reference, you may see
The journal has no CSL. I have searched for a similar style, but did not find a perfect match.
On the journal's website, an EndNote bibliographic style for the journal is available here:
Thanks in advance!
Diana Pena Ruiz
Enfances Familles Générations (EFG) is an open access journal:
EFG Style:
Campbell, J. L. et O. K. Pedersen. 2007. « The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success », Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, no 3, p. 307–332.
Mares, I. 2001. « Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? », dans Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, sous la dir. de P. A. Hall et D. Soskice, New York, Oxford University Press, p. 184–213.
All the papers in Enfances Familles Générations are open access. For reference, you may see
The journal has no CSL. I have searched for a similar style, but did not find a perfect match.
On the journal's website, an EndNote bibliographic style for the journal is available here:
Thanks in advance!
Diana Pena Ruiz
"American Association of Petroleum Geologists" seems to be a pretty good fit you can use in the meantime.
Please also add the ISSN(s) to your style request.
1708-6310 (digital)
Thank you so much for your work.
As coordinator of the revue EFG, I have verified the Zotero bibliographic style and noticed some mistakes.
In the actual form, the references are styled like this:
Piché, V. et C. Le Bourdais (2003). La démographie québécoise : Enjeux du XXIe siècle, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Piazzesi, C., M. Blais, J. Lavigne, C. Lavoie-Mongrain, et R. Renière (2018). « Représentations de l’intimité hétérosexuelle et transformations sociales : vers une sémantique amoureuse intégrée », Sociologie et sociétés, vol. 50, no 2, p. 219 242. DOI : 10.7202/1066820ar
Moscovici, S. (2013). « Chapitre 3. Esquisse d’une description des représentations sociales », dans Le scandale de la pensée sociale, Paris, Les Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales, p. 119 178.
Is it possible to correct these mistakes?
- No parenthesis with the year of publication;
- no comma at the end of author’s name and before the “et” (or “and”);
- always a final point at the end of the author’s name and before the year of publication;
- the name of the papers has to be in italics;
- for book's chapter, the "dans" (or "in) should not be in italics, but the title of the books yes;
- no DOI is required.
By example, this is how the references should look like (*except for the italics):
Piché, V. et C. Le Bourdais. 2003. La démographie québécoise : Enjeux du XXIe siècle, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Piazzesi, C., M. Blais, J. Lavigne, C. Lavoie-Mongrain et R. Renière. 2018. « Représentations de l’intimité hétérosexuelle et transformations sociales : vers une sémantique amoureuse intégrée », Sociologie et sociétés, vol. 50, no 2, p. 219 242.
Moscovici, S. 2013. « Chapitre 3. Esquisse d’une description des représentations sociales », dans Le scandale de la pensée sociale, Paris, Les Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales, p. 119 178.
Please tell me if you have any questions.
I thank you sincerely for your work.
Amélie Cousineau
Coordinator of EFG
1. Item type: book
Current output: aasdf
Required output: asdf