Two QuickCopy formats at once


I would find it super convenient to have two QuickCopy formats at the same time, say, one bib format to use in word processors and a proper export format for use with TeX. I find it tedious to switch in the settings and it always seems to be set to the wrong one at the moment. Is this something that others can relate to? I have talked to colleagues and do not seem to be alone with this idea.

I experimented with this feature here
including the UI for changing the 'other' style and settings for the hotkey. It seems to work at least for my purposes. I gave it the hotkey ctrl-shift-d.
I have not touched localization at all and have no idea how that would work, i.e. who would contribute the translations.

I can quickly make a PR from this, I just did not know whether it's fine to just barge in with stuff like that.

Mind that I have never touched the Zotero source and I am not a web developer. Since the code changes are minimal, maybe they are good enough still.

Final comment: I developed in WSL/Ubuntu22 and wanted to cross-compile to Windows. While that works, I cannot execute the resulting binary because the side-by-side configuration is wrong. I could not find anything useful regarding this problem in the documentation or via googling. Is this a known effect? Starting an X server and just running in WSL was a good enough quick fix for me though.

  • This is probably better suited for an add-on. In Zotero 6, Zutilo let you define secondary quick copy formats, not sure if there's a current replacement for Zotero 7
  • edited 14 days ago
    @guidoreina: Note that if you set the item pane header in Zotero 7 to Bibliography Entry, that gives you a bibliographic format for a single item that you can copy via right-click. You could then keep Quick Copy set to the export format.
  • Thank you both! I'll experiment a bit with the workflow, but I guess your suggestions make my changes kind of superfluous...
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