Limiting the abstract panel height, and implementing scrollable attachment panel

I just upgraded to Zotero 7 (feels great!), but I am facing a minor inconvenience. Earlier, I used the Zotero PDF Preview plugin to quickly skim through PDFs while browsing the library. I used the bottom half of the right pane for that, while the top half remained the information pane. In doing so, I was able to look at (most of) the abstract as well as the first page of the PDF side-by-side. In the new version of Zotero, the plugin isn't working anymore since there's native preview support.

While I do appreciate the native implementation, what would be ideal, is to have the abstract and preview panels independently height-adjustable and scrollable so that the user can decide how they want their interface to look like. As per the current implementation, for long abstracts, half of the attachment panel rolls out of the screen. Moreover, it would be great to have the attachment panel which is freely scrollable instead of having to click the previous and next buttons to flip pages.

PS: I even tried rolling back the version by trying to re-install Zotero 6, but the plugins are now showing as incompatible.
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