⛔ No INSPIRE recid found

Library size: 200,000+ citations
List of entries with this AutoTag: 61,000

I've removed the INSPIRE plugin. Also deselected "SYNC TAGS" tickbox in General Prefs. I've attempted repeatedly with Desktop Tag filtering to select all items with the tag and delete the tag. It appears to work. I close Zotero and reopen and all 61K items still have the tag.

I don't see any other tools that can help me pull out this incessant tag. Please help.
  • You delete tags by right-clicking on the tag in the tag selector and choosing "Delete Tag…".
    Also deselected "SYNC TAGS" tickbox in General Prefs.
    That's not an option, so you've misunderstood something.
  • Thank you - I've done the Right-click step about 100 times and it won't delete the

    ⛔ No INSPIRE recid found

    Tag. I started by following the Zotero Tags instructions to the letter. Isn't working.

    The tick box is for copying Libraries to Groups, so it was just a wild card attempt.
  • edited 25 days ago
    If the tag is on tens of thousands of items, it may take a while to delete.

    If you think it's not working, we'd want to see a Debug ID for Zotero startup through using the delete option and waiting several minutes, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option.
    The tick box is for copying Libraries to Groups, so it was just a wild card attempt.
    Yes, that's totally unrelated.
  • Still unable to exorcise this tag from my Library. Delete Tag feature doesn't work. Does your team have the ability to run a Delete script against the Online table which can then sync down to my Desktop client table?
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