Strange citation conversion

Hi. I've got a paper to cite that should have a citation as follows:

Volkow ND, Han B, Compton WM, McCance-Katz EF. Self-reported Medical and Nonmedical Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States. JAMA. 2019 Jul 9;322(2):167-169. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.7982.

But it keeps coming out in my document as:

Volkow ND, Han B, Compton WM, McCance-Katz EF. Self-reported Medical and Nonmedical Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States. JAMA. Published online June 18, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.7982

I have removed the citation from the library and reinserted it, verified that there are no duplicates of the reference, removed it from the document and reinserted it, and triple-checked that the fields in the entry in Zotero are accurate to what is printed in the first citation above. I just cannot get this citation to stop behaving oddly. I don't even see the date June 18, 2019 in the reference.

I'm going to just correct this manually, but I use this reference quite often and this is very frustrating. Suggestions for fixing it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Which citation style and have you tested using create bibliography from within Zotero?
  • I think I found the issue - there was another version of the citation in a different library that did not show up on search. Deleting that seems to have fixed the issue.

    (Isn't that the way it goes - struggle with something for half an hour, finally ask a question, and find the answer yourself 2 minutes later)
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