plural pp. xx f.

Is there a way to make a style use the plural pp. when the pages field has a page number followed by f., ie

pp. 32 f.

instead of p. 32 f.

while keeping this contextual?
  • Yes.

    You'd make this:
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <label variable="locator" form="short" plural="never"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>

    into this:
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <labelvariable="locator" form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>
  • I think this already is. It works fine when entering
    pp. 32–33

    but not with

    p. 32 f.

    I am in the Visual Editor, but looking at the code I could find the middle two lines to be exactly what you give in your second example.

    I did find a work around by defining a conditional, which sets the plural to always when the page field does not contain a number. 32 f. is not a number...

    That seems to work, but if there is a better/easier way let me know.
  • edited 9 days ago
    Then you need to set to always:
    <label variable="locator" form="short" plural="always"/>
  • But if I set to always generally, it will end up with

    pp. 32

    which is not what I want. Plural should only be used for
    32 f.
    but not for

    That's why I defined another conditional.
  • That's not possible. CSL does not know anything about the contents.
  • My work around works fine, though.

    Zotero does know whether the content is a number or not, that's all that is required. It also knows whether the content is just one number or a range. So it certainly does know about the contents.

    Anyway, I solved it.

    However, I do think that this is a short coming of the current implementation: It is not uncommon to use pp. 32 f. to indicate that the reference is pointing to two pages. In which case it should render to pp.
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