Citation Style Help: American Chemical Society Not Populating with CASSI Abbreviations

I am assisting a cohort of chemistry students in downloading and using Zotero. The entire class downloaded Zotero and the coordinating browser extension today, so everything is most current and up to date.

For the American Chemical Society style, journals are supposed to be abbreviated using the CASSI format. For some students, even though they have correctly selected the ACS style, all journals in their bibliography are using full journal names, not the correct CASSI abbreviation. Does anyone know of a fix for this?

I have tried:
- restarting Zotero
- re-selecting the ACS style from the style manager
- closing and reopening the Word doc
- Medline abbreviations are not a substitute for CASSI

I cannot give computer specifics, as I am working with a large group of students, but this is a known issue for both PC and Mac users. I would be most appreciative of any help or leads. Thank you!
  • If MedLine abbreviations are not correct for you, then make sure that:
    a) in a given document within the Zotero Document Preferences the "Use MedLine abbreviations" is NOT ticked
    b) the "Journal Abbr" field is filled in for each citation within the Zotero metadata.
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