[Zotero 7] Annotation transfer

I'm looking for a way to transfer all annotations from one PDF to a similar version. Specifically, I have the same book in two versions: one with large margins and another with cropped margins. The text is identical in both versions, so I’d like to move all my annotations from the non-cropped PDF to the cropped one.

I understand it might be tricky if the versions are significantly different, like if they’re from different publishers, but in this case, the only difference is the margins. Nonetheless, I'm interested in answers to both problems.

Any advice would be appreciated!
  • You could write code to do that, but there's no built-in way, and it wouldn't be trivial — you'd have to perform transformations on the annotation coordinates. This isn't something we can help with.
  • I've had luck shrinking large margins by modifying the CropBox for each page in the PDF. The existing annotations still rendered in the expected locations.
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