Attachment name is stuck as "getFile.jsp" but with a pdf icon

  • I just came across the same issue. I would understand your reasoning if the attachment had a useful name such as "article.pdf". However, for me the attachment name is then just stuck as "getFile.jsp" but with a pdf icon.

    Furthermore, the file name also stays with the ".jsp" ending instead of being changed to a ".pdf" ending.

    Some of the issue is that I often import articles using the iPad app. On iPad, the app usually fails to download the pdf for papers that are behind a paywall and require use of a proxy. Thus, I let zotero add the metadata and then open the pdf and add it to zotero separately and then manually add it to the entry. Then, when I'm at the desktop I would do the "rename from parent metadata" (which the iPad app can't do). This work flow no longer works because I'm now stuck with an attachment name of "getFile.jsp" unless I manually change the attachment name and file extension to something useful
  • Can you explain the exact steps to reproduce what you're seeing, across iOS and the desktop app? In most cases, the attachment title should be changed to "PDF" when you use "Rename File from Parent Metadata", and the file itself should certainly have a .pdf extension.
  • @dstillman, here are detailed steps for the issue. Zotero on the iPad is version 1.0.41 Build 293 running on an iPad pro.

    1) go to with Safari on iPad.

    2) In Safari: Share -> Zotero -> select a collection -> Save
    The entry gets saved without a pdf because the pdf is behind a paywall.

    3) Open the actual pdf in Safari:
    Because the above address is a proxy that requires a log in, I’m continuing this bug report with another pdf of the same journal that belongs to an open access article so everyone can reproduce it:

    4) In Safari: Share -> Zotero -> select same collection as before -> Save
    The entry gets saved with the name “getPDF.jsp”
    See screen shot:

    5) In the Zotero iPad app, drag the getPDF.jsp entry onto the paper entry so it becomes an attachment for the latter.

    6) On the Desktop app (7.0.5, 64bit, Linux):
    The attachment has a file name of getPDF.jsp and an attachment name of getPDF.jsp but a pdf icon.

    7) On the Desktop app: right-click -> rename file from parent metadata.
    The attachment as a file name of "Hao et al. - 2024 - CDA Covert Deception Attacks in Multi-Agent Resource Scheduling.jsp" and an attachment name of "getPDF.jsp"
    Note that ".jsp" ending that is in both versions.

    I just looked at entries that I created the same way before the upgrade to Zotero 7 and realised that the files always ended up with a ".jsp" but I never noticed this. With the new behaviour the attachment name being stuck on "getPDF.jsp" this quirk is much more noticeable.
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