Taylor and Francis Full Text Retrieval & PDF download not found
Debug report ID: D1991973516
After adding a paper to Zotero like the Health Communications title
"Patients' Perceptions of Medical Encounters in Great Britain: Variations With Health Loci of Control and Sociodemographic Factors" https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327027hc0102_1
Right click and select "find full text"
The result is "Nof file found" even though our institution (Ohio University) has licensed access to this publication.
This is one of a number of articles that fail to retrieve the full text/pdf. The expected action would be for the pdf to be retrieved and full.
Related context:
We know if the metadata URL is set for https://proxy.library.ohio.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=fsr&AN=7391171&site=eds-live&scope=site it would retrieve the same paper. Could there be a fallback path to access via ebscohost or other databases where the direct publisher access fails?
Libkey Nomad on the article publisher's page generates the following OpenURL from the Taylor and Francis page to provide access to the pdf. https://resolver.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ohio.edu/openurl?genre=article&aulast=Arntson&issn=1041-0236&title=Health Communication&atitle=Patients' Perceptions of Medical Encounters in Great Britain: Variations With Health Loci of Control and Sociodemographic Factors&volume=1&issue=2&spage=75&epage=95&date=1989-04-01&sid=LibKeyNomad
redirecting to https://login.proxy.library.ohio.edu/login?qurl=http://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl?genre=article&aulast=Arntson&issn=1041-0236&title=Health%20Communication&atitle=Patients%27%20Perceptions%20of%20Medical%20Encounters%20in%20Great%20Britain%3A%20Variations%20With%20Health%20Loci%20of%20Control%20and%20Sociodemographic%20Factors&volume=1&issue=2&spage=75&epage=95&date=1989-04-01&sid=LibKeyNomad
We're seeing Zotero lookup failures over a number of journals which are licensed, but Zotero lookup fails to find the full text/pdf. I'm just starting to dig into Zotero's code, but haven't worked on this side of Zotero before. Some orientation (pointer to any documentation) on the lookup process would be helpful. Is this something that the translators can address? https://www.zotero.org/support/translators
Related feature idea:
A feature request which may benefit many registered resolvers to tackle user experience would be to generate a resolver report for lookups that fail to be found when Zotero's resolver is configured to that institution ie Ohio University. I'm really curious how effective Zotero is performing for our institution as user reports show some, but not all issues people probably run into.
Other aggregated search metrics ie journals, books, etc being accessed would be interesting too, but from a user experience perspective having institutional resolver being able to detect barriers to access can allow an institution either:
1. identify and work on fixing the technical issue preventing retrieval by Zotero
2. identify content license users regularly use or search but are not available
3. find a means to share with a user a path to request access with low friction
After adding a paper to Zotero like the Health Communications title
"Patients' Perceptions of Medical Encounters in Great Britain: Variations With Health Loci of Control and Sociodemographic Factors" https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327027hc0102_1
Right click and select "find full text"
The result is "Nof file found" even though our institution (Ohio University) has licensed access to this publication.
This is one of a number of articles that fail to retrieve the full text/pdf. The expected action would be for the pdf to be retrieved and full.
Related context:
We know if the metadata URL is set for https://proxy.library.ohio.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=fsr&AN=7391171&site=eds-live&scope=site it would retrieve the same paper. Could there be a fallback path to access via ebscohost or other databases where the direct publisher access fails?
Libkey Nomad on the article publisher's page generates the following OpenURL from the Taylor and Francis page to provide access to the pdf. https://resolver.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ohio.edu/openurl?genre=article&aulast=Arntson&issn=1041-0236&title=Health Communication&atitle=Patients' Perceptions of Medical Encounters in Great Britain: Variations With Health Loci of Control and Sociodemographic Factors&volume=1&issue=2&spage=75&epage=95&date=1989-04-01&sid=LibKeyNomad
redirecting to https://login.proxy.library.ohio.edu/login?qurl=http://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl?genre=article&aulast=Arntson&issn=1041-0236&title=Health%20Communication&atitle=Patients%27%20Perceptions%20of%20Medical%20Encounters%20in%20Great%20Britain%3A%20Variations%20With%20Health%20Loci%20of%20Control%20and%20Sociodemographic%20Factors&volume=1&issue=2&spage=75&epage=95&date=1989-04-01&sid=LibKeyNomad
We're seeing Zotero lookup failures over a number of journals which are licensed, but Zotero lookup fails to find the full text/pdf. I'm just starting to dig into Zotero's code, but haven't worked on this side of Zotero before. Some orientation (pointer to any documentation) on the lookup process would be helpful. Is this something that the translators can address? https://www.zotero.org/support/translators
Related feature idea:
A feature request which may benefit many registered resolvers to tackle user experience would be to generate a resolver report for lookups that fail to be found when Zotero's resolver is configured to that institution ie Ohio University. I'm really curious how effective Zotero is performing for our institution as user reports show some, but not all issues people probably run into.
Other aggregated search metrics ie journals, books, etc being accessed would be interesting too, but from a user experience perspective having institutional resolver being able to detect barriers to access can allow an institution either:
1. identify and work on fixing the technical issue preventing retrieval by Zotero
2. identify content license users regularly use or search but are not available
3. find a means to share with a user a path to request access with low friction