ISBN search fails in some cases

I tried adding `978-3-030-80563-0` which gets the 'lookup failed' error:

I, however, can add the book by DOI ``.

Some details in case I made an error:

While I started thread about the specific lookup failure I want to add a couple of other things that are related:

A. The error message for lookup doesn't show which ID I used. This is problematic since it doesn't show if I made a typo (and its annoying to retype the number if i didn't copy it down)

B. There are no obvious logs for where this lookup happened. It would be nice to know which service is being used.
  • Whereas almost all DOIs are registered with metadata that Zotero can import, ISBNs aren't registered centrally with metadata -- Zotero can only import by ISBN if a book is cataloged in one of the (very large) library catalogs it's looking in -- that's not the case here.
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