Zotero PDF rendering is painfully slow, especially when zoom set to "page-width"

Debug ID: D2007851754

Whenever I try to open a typical two-column IEEE paper (downloaded from the official IEEE website, e.g. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2019.2949350) in Zoero with Version 7, the PDF is rendered very slow. I see the content appearing line-by-line and first the left column of each page is displayed, before the right column follows. When scrolling through the document, the rendering continues like before and it is not a "snappy experience" at all.
I am using Zotero 7.0.5 64-bit on Windows 11, ThinkPad T14 Gen2, 3840x2160 screen, Intel Core i5-1135G7 power saving mode disabled. Disabling the synching capabilities in the settings did not change anything. Also, a clean installation in the Windows Sandbox and then loading the content from my Zotero cloud did not lead to any better performance.
On an older computer of one of my colleagues (4th Intel Core i7, lower screen resolution), this problem does not appear (also not in "page-width" zoom).

Steps to reproduce (on my machine):
0. Install Zotero and load data from the Zotero cloud. Disable synching if you like and close Zotero.
1. Start Zotero.
2. Open the PDF of, e.g., this paper: https://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2019.2949350.
3. Set the zoom to "page-width".
4. Close the PDF tab.
5. Re-open the PDF and the rendering is slow. Slows rendering can be observed when scrolling too.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for it happening?
  • Here are two debug IDs:
    - D742796515
    - D418583377
  • Is there a difference if you disable all third-party plugins?
  • Sorry for not mentioning it earlier: I have only the BetterBibTex plugin installed, but the slow rendering also appears in troubleshooting mode (i.e., with BetterBibTex disabled).
    Here is a Debug ID D1985479981 from the troubleshooting mode, where I opened a paper in the page-width zoom setting and then also zoomed in and out after it was rendered completely.
  • Can you check if Settings → Advanced → Config Editor → layers.acceleration.disabled value is true or false?
  • I have

    layers.acceleration.disabled false
    layers.acceleration.force-enabled false
  • Could you check if Firefox renders those PDF files smoothly, since Zotero is based on Firefox?
  • I checked a few papers and there are not such rendering issues with the latest Firefox browser.
  • But what about papers that are not from IEEE? Are you experiencing any performance issues with them?
  • edited September 17, 2024
    Yes, sadly also some other documents have rendering issues: I tried one that was compiled by Overleaf a few years ago (two-column paper https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000502041, but based on an IEEE template), something from Elsevier (e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2013.11.019), and Oxford Academic (e.g., https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbaa113).

    In single-column papers, the issue seems to appear a bit less pronounced. In general, the rendering is slow in areas or the PDF, where tables, figures or more equations appear and the different elements (like the lines / grid of a table, subequations, lines of a text paragraph) are rendered one after the other.

    None of the above papers have rendering issues in Firefox.
  • Right, this isn't normal Zotero behavior. It seems like graphical acceleration isn't working properly on your computer in Zotero. Your high resolution likely amplifies the issue. However, so far we don't have an idea why that happens.
  • Any update on this? I've experiencing the same problem with responsiveness in the PDF reader since upgrading from a standard resolution to a 4K monitor. The problem is much worse if you're zoomed into the PDF, than if you're zoomed out. If I zoom right out, then performance becomes much snappier. (layers.acceleration.disabled was false. Toggling it seems to make no difference).
  • I am having the same problem on my m2 mac macbook pro. It's very snappy and fast when zoomed out but much slower when zoomed to page width. Any updates?
  • @josuetorresfonse

    1) Does it happen with all PDF files?
    2) Is there a difference if you disable all third-party plugins?
    3) Is Zotero syncing at the time?
  • edited November 21, 2024
    Hi @martynas_b thank you for the quick response. I do find that this does happen with all PDF files. My only fix for this issue has been to zoom out and make sure not too scroll too quickly. I was able to recreate this issue in troubleshooting mode to simulate disabled plugins. However, I also don't have plugins installed. As for syncing Zotero could possibly be syncing at the time as I am annotating my notes as I read and syncing is set to sync automatically and sync full-text content. However, this also happens in pdfs with no annotations that I am solely reading and not annotating at the same time.
  • @josuetorresfonse Could you make a video demonstrating the slowdown to help us better understand the cause?
  • I also encounter this problem. When zooming in or out of any PDF, it takes some time to reload the PDF. I don't know why.
  • Hey @martynas_b, hey everyone,
    may I kindly ask if there are new developments regarding this issue? Do you require any additional data from me / us?
  • @martynas_b I apologize for taking so long to respond and make a video. Here is a link to the video demonstrating the slowdown problem: https://youtu.be/rhqs7kMLk3w

    I opened Zotero in both normal mode and troubleshooting mode to showcase the problem and made sure that my Zotero was up to date. I also show my settings and that I have no plugins installed in my video.

    Note: Whenever I move the cursor across some piece of text from left to right I am deliberately not scrolling up or down the page. So if the page stops and I did not move my cursor from left to right than Zotero slowed down or stopped by itself while I was scrolling.
  • Here's a debug ID as well if it helps: D1895573059
  • @josuetorresfonse I still can't reproduce the issue. Could you try testing with a trackpad or a different mouse?
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