Like / +1 Feature for Forum?

I read that the Forum will get an upgrade in the foreseeable future. Markdown would be really appreciated!

GitHub is solely for the Devs (which is a nice way to sort through BS), but GitHub has a neat function which this forum lacks: Reactions.

I guess the most prevalent post on this forum is "+1".
Its nice to know if a feature request has an actual demand by multiple users or a Bug happens to others as well.
But at the same time this spamming makes it difficult to sort through Threads (for the devs even more?), the reason it is discouraged to do so.

So if it would be somehow manageable i would propose implementing such a feature when the forum gets an overhaul. Maybe it would even be possible to sort Discussions by number of "likes" to quickly see the biggest fish in the pond.

If it would be feasible you would have implemented it years ago; I doubt to bring you any news - but i made this post for the slight possibility you didn't think about that for the update.

Feel free to delete if unnecessary!
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