Smart Duplicates doesn't do anything

After a long list of duplicates merging yesterday, I've come down to a few dozens duplicates. However, now I can't merge any items. The Smart merge window appears but when I select "Merge 2 Items" nothing happens. My Report ID is 709222437.
  • edited 8 days ago
    I don't know what you're referring to — "Smart Duplicates" and "Smart merge" aren't terms in Zotero. If this is about a plugin, you'll need to ask the plugin developer for help.
  • I turned on Debug Output and got this: "(1)(+0000001): Error: Cannot change type in loadIn mode Error: Cannot change type in loadIn mode Zotero.Item.prototype.setType@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/item.js:430:13 Zotero.Item.prototype.loadFromRow@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/item.js:324:5 Zotero.DataObjects.prototype._loadPrimaryData</<.onRow<@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/dataObjects.js:584:9 onRow@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/db.js:608:11 handleResult@resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm:777:13 From previous event: doMerge@chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/items.js:1067:15

    (1)(+0000006): Rolled back DB transaction jqPRovVn

    (1)(+0000000): Cannot change type in loadIn mode".
  • (Please don't post debug output here — we only ever want Report IDs or Debug IDs.)

    Again, the terms you're referring to aren't part of Zotero.

    If you're asking about a feature of Zotero itself, start by updating to Zotero 7, disable all plugins, and if you can still reproduce the problem, provide a Debug ID for doing so.
  • Ok, sorry, this is in fact about a plugin.
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