Problem / Error with file renaming

I've submitted a report, #1143346518.

The connector is not renaming HTML files generated from websites. I've tried this on a variety of sites. Even the custom translator for the NY Times, which is of high quality for parsing the metadata, fails to rename the files.

However, once the parent item is captured within Zotero, with its attached "Snapshot", I can use the context menu command to rename the snapshot file; the operation renames the file of the parent item as well.

I've disabled all other Chrome extensions. Without success.

Chrome has logged an error for the connector extension, with this data:

Service worker (re)started at 2024-09-09 23:45:16 at chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/zotero.js:314

Stack Trace
zotero.js:332 (anonymous function)

And it has highlighted this js code at line 332,

console.error(message+" at +fileName+":"+lineNumber);
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