[JavaScript Error: "annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')" {file: "chrome://zotero/c

1725932883757 addons.webextension.jasminum@linxzh.com WARN Loading extension 'jasminum@linxzh.com': Reading manifest: Warning processing version: version must be a version string consisting of at most 4 integers of at most 9 digits without leading zeros, and separated with dots

1725932883758 addons.webextension.zoteropdftranslate@euclpts.com WARN Loading extension 'zoteropdftranslate@euclpts.com': Reading manifest: Warning processing version: version must be a version string consisting of at most 4 integers of at most 9 digits without leading zeros, and separated with dots

[JavaScript Error: "original is undefined" {file: "jar:file:///C:/Users/14570/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/qqbz2k8s.default/extensions/zoteropdftranslate@euclpts.com.xpi!/chrome/content/scripts/zoteropdftranslate.js" line: 4307}]

[JavaScript Error: "[Notero] Starting v0.6.2"]

[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: _0x4b52d8 is undefined" {file: "jar:file:///C:/Users/14570/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/qqbz2k8s.default/extensions/zoteroreference@polygon.org.xpi!/chrome/content/scripts/zoteroreference.js" line: 1}]

[JavaScript Error: "Error 400 for item ATGYYHJH in 我的文库:

ZoteroObjectUploadError: annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')"]

[JavaScript Error: "annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync/syncEngine.js" line: 1365}]

[JavaScript Error: "Error 400 for item ATGYYHJH in 我的文库:

ZoteroObjectUploadError: annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')"]

[JavaScript Error: "annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync/syncEngine.js" line: 1365}]

[JavaScript Error: "Error 400 for item ATGYYHJH in 我的文库:

ZoteroObjectUploadError: annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')"]

[JavaScript Error: "annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync/syncEngine.js" line: 1365}]

[JavaScript Error: "Error 400 for item ATGYY

  • Most likely, this is a plugin issue. You should investigate which plugin is causing that and report the issue to its developers.
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