Inability to add tags


I am getting in touch because the ability to add tags to a paper on the side bar has disappeared and I am currently unable to add any tags. It may be that it is a simple process and, if so, I apologise for taking your time but I have not yet been able to figure out why tags cannot be added (below is a picture of what I see on screen). I would appreciate your feedback, as i am wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar issue.

Thank you for all the work on the new zotero version, aside from this is works brilliantly.
  • I'm wondering if this is add-on related? Might be worth testing with BBT (and any other add-ons) disabled. Certainly not seeing this on my library and if you were in a read-only group (which would hide the + for adding tags), you should still see "Expand" icon.
  • You are right, if I disable the BetterBibTex for Zotero plug-in everything works again.
  • If this continues to be an issue with the most recent version of BBT and Zotero, I know the BBT developer would be appreciative of an error report on the project's github.
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