Style Request: Strayer Writing Standards

In-text citation:

J.L. Campbell. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. p. 307–332.

I. Mares. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?. p. 184–213. P. A. Hall & D. Soskice (Eds.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage.
  • The mandatory style for an (accredited) mainly online university.

    Yes, I know this is a ridiculously insufficient stylesheet, and yes, I've argued with every professor to let me use an actual *standard*, but this is what I'm stuck with as an MBA student, and I really want to be able to use Zotero.

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give. {Jonathan}
  • I can look into generating a style and offer it in my webshop.
    However, the guidelines for the bibliography are pretty straight forward, but I'm really not understanding the in-text citations. "(Mares)" is actually what they want?
    What about if you cite two papers by Mares?
    And what about a paper by two authors? Our Campbell and Pedersen example is given exactly for that, so we can see how that should look based on the guidelines.
  • The key part for in-text is this:
    When crediting a source in your writing, you label it with a number, or in-text citation. If it is the first source you're using, the label will be a (1). If it is the second source you write about, it will be a (2), and so on.
    but this is combined with the first author, so you'd have:

    (Campbell, 1) and (Mares, 2) in the example above. It's unclear to me how you'd handle citations to multiple works; I'd just delimit with semicolon, so (Campbell, 1; Mares, 2). 1 and 2 here, for the avoidance of doubt, are citation-number
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