Search not working properly?
Report ID: 1388639432
In some articles, the search feature has gone wonky and I cannot manually type a word to search within the article:
For example:
1) The word I used to search was 'administrator', but no result was found even though there were many of this word in the pdf article.
2) If I copy the word 'adminstrator' from the pdf text into the search box...
3) Then the search box will have the word 'administrator' which I had copied from the pdf and changed it into "<?HDIDNOM<OJM". Now Zotero can find the word "administrator" in the pdf.
Why does this happen?
In some articles, the search feature has gone wonky and I cannot manually type a word to search within the article:
For example:
1) The word I used to search was 'administrator', but no result was found even though there were many of this word in the pdf article.
2) If I copy the word 'adminstrator' from the pdf text into the search box...
3) Then the search box will have the word 'administrator' which I had copied from the pdf and changed it into "<?HDIDNOM<OJM". Now Zotero can find the word "administrator" in the pdf.
Why does this happen?
This is likely an issue specific to the PDF file—possibly due to invalid character mapping.